“after the fire”

2700mm x 700mm - acrylic, spray-paint, water, sea sand and enamel on stretched canvas I painted this landscape on a spare canvas which had been lying in my studio for years. I had just taken a walk through a field which had been utterly devastated by


  1m x 1m - acrylic and spray-paint on stretched canvas. As part of my growing fascination with Turner-esque paintings of the English countryside in winter, the emergence of "Ashen" unfolded gradually over the course of a month. While initially intending to continue refining and shaping this


3m x 1m - acrylic and enamel on stretched canvas   The young, professional couple who owns this contemporary home commissioned me to paint a large piece of art. They had seen my work before. They decided to combine elements of some of my previous paintings with some


1.5mx 1.5m - oil on stretched canvas One of the very first canvasses I painted and sold out of my studio in 2007. It really was the result of splashing tones of red and black onto the canvas and letting the lines and marks do the


1m x 1m - acrylic and oil on canvas A close up of one of the canvasses I painted in a series of large pieces for a client in Dubai. She loves hot colours. I always prime my canvasses with impasto so I have a good

“howling moon”

1.2m x 1.2m - acrylic on stretched canvas This painting came about purely through experimentation with colour and mediums. The canvas had been in the studio for months and had been covered in reds and browns. I placed it back onto the easel and decided to


1.3m x 1.6m - acrylic and enamel on canvas This was a beautiful home on an exclusive golf estate. It has been superbly decorated in natural materials. Loads of raw wood. I kept the piece subtle so as not to overpower the space and echoed elements

“silver dune”

2.5m x 700 - enamels and spraypaint on stretched canvas Really early on in my career as a full time artist, I was commissioned to reproduce a stylized seascape painting with strong accents in white, black and silver. It was daunting as I had decided to

“the beach”

1.2m x 1.2m - acrylic and oil on canvas One of the countrys leading interior designers asked me to complete some art for this beautiful residential project. We combined the clients love of the beach and the outdoors and long, receding horizons and big skies to

“the affair”

3 x 1m x 300 - acrylic and enamel on canvas I really love the freedom art allows. At times, it allows us to speak without saying a word. And it lets us break rules. The young couple who bought this painting felt the same.