Born in 1972 in East London, SA
Resides and works in Dorset, UK


Donovan Stanford, born in 1972 in East London, South Africa, is a mixed media contemporary artist based in Dorset, United Kingdom. After completing a Diploma in Fine Art, he went on to open his own retail gallery and studio space in Cape Town, SA. Specializing in acrylic and oil on canvas, Stanford is best known for his large-scale moody landscapes and seascapes. His paintings, often characterized by huge skies, arid vistas, and windswept, harsh west coast seascapes, convey an emotive, sensory experience. His unique technique involves dripping, pouring, scraping, spraying, and wiping the medium onto the surface, creating works that feel spontaneous and full of life.


Stanford’s work delves deep into the fundamental elements of nature, capturing the essence of scenes rather than their literal representation. His subject matter reflects a keen interest in the inherent, fundamental qualities of the natural world, such as the sound of the wind and the spray off a wave. This approach is vividly portrayed in his series, “Frigid Warmth,” inspired by the works of Turner and Constable. This body of work explores Stanford’s infatuation with the cold, wet, dark, barren, windswept English landscapes, finding undeniable beauty in their harshness.


Donovan Stanford’s exhibitions include a number of solo exhibitions at his signature art gallery in Cape Town, South Africa. His works are extensively collected, with large-scale commissioned canvasses completed for interior designers and personal clients both locally and internationally. His art is featured in residential homes and corporate projects across America, the United Kingdom, Africa, and Australia.



1990-1993: Diploma in Fine Art at East London Technical College, SA



2010 – Selected Works (solo exhibition), Signature Gallery, Cape Town, SA

2009 – Selected Works (solo exhibition), Signature Gallery, Cape Town, SA

2008 – Selected Works (solo exhibition), Signature Gallery, Cape Town, SA

2007 – Seascapes & Sand (solo exhibition), Signature Gallery, Cape Town, SA


Press & Publications:

2013 – The South African Artist, Issue 10, page 24, Finding your niche

2007 –  TygerBurger, 16 May pg 18, Artist paints for everyone